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赞赏灰狼, but to open the door is far more than just drop your resume to RIM's OD. (水城百事)

by 行到水穷处, Saturday, October 16, 2010, 21:05 @ 我傻瓜

First, you need to drop your resume to the right person at the right timing. You may need to do your homework to find those RIM openings that match your experience. You may then ask help here to see if some one can help you hand over your resume to the hiring manager or recruiters. If he or she would like to recommend you, that will help a lot.

Second, if you have not applied RIM jobs online, you need to do that.This is RIM's process and everyone has to follow. (they told me to do that even when already got the oral offer). also this make you in the radar on RIM's recruiters.

Third, I'm not familiar with your area, since you mentioned Mechanical Engineering, you may try to follow with Shantel Bince.

the most important, keep optimism. some times you just need a little more luck. it may not be your problem that you did not get hired. I have seen cases that RIM hired craps and refuse talent.

Good luck.


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